Wedding Gift Guide

Wedding Gift Guide

Wedding season is upon us, and is of course accompanied by an array of wedding gift wish-lists. Whether your big day is coming up and you’re in need of inspiration to complete your registry or you’ve received a few invitations in the mail and need to select some gifts, this guide is for you: We’ve compiled a list of the finest homeware, from a set of Baccarat wine glasses to a Le Creuset skillet and a Breville coffee machine. Cheers to the happy gift-finder!


Vitamix, Professional Series 750 Blender - Pearl Grey


Vitamix, Professional Series 750 Blender - Pearl Grey

Every kitchen should be equipped with a powerful blender such as this model by Vitamix, which will make obtaining LOOP-level juice at home a slice of (three-tier) cake. This handy appliance features five pre-programmed settings to blend and pour hot soups, smoothies, frozen desserts and purées in a matter of seconds. Its speed control allows you to customize the thickness of each mixture and make recipes that aren’t included in the settings such as nut butters. This blender is a godsend to prepare healthy snacks and meals quickly. It’ll be hard to beat the gift of convenience!




Le Creuset, Iron Handle Skillet - Meringue


Le Creuset, Iron Handle Skillet - 30 cm - Meringue

A cast iron skillet is one of the most popular wedding gifts. Perhaps that’s the case because they’re an excellent metaphor for a successful mariage: As long as they’re properly cared for, they will remain your dependable, infallible, favorite piece of cookware. If you want to go the extra mile, you could include a set of instructions about seasoning a cast iron skillet, a bottle of vegetable oil and tie the “gift skillet” with a bow. Le Creuset’s model is guaranteed to become a kitchen workhorse thanks to its high quality and the Meringue color will complement any aesthetic. 



Le Creuset Classic Kettle Cerise at Maison Lipari


Le Creuset, Classic Tea Kettle - Cerise

Make that first item of a Le Creuset collection into a small collection by also gifting this matching kettle: A match made in heaven with the skillet above. A kettle is one of those items that’s used everyday, so it makes a great meaningful and pragmatic gift. This French brand’s iconic classic kettle will add a practical and aesthetically-pleasing piece of cookware to any stovetop while boiling water to enjoy a cup of tea or speed up noodles’ cooking time! 



Le Jacquard Français, Azulejos Napkin - White


Le Jacquard Français, Azulejos Napkin - White

Make every meal feel as noteworthy as the special day’s feast with napkins that ooze elegance like these snow white ones by Le Jacquard Français. This model is named after Azulejo ceramic tiles, which can be found inside churches, palaces and subway stations all over Portugal and Spain. The pattern is inspired by the walls and floors of Granada’s Alhambra or Lisbon’s Sintra National Palace and will elevate any table setting while the soft OEKO-TEX cotton will retain the napkin’s shape and feel, wash after wash. 



Breville, Nespresso Creatista Plus - Silver


Breville, Nespresso Creatista Plus - Silver

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes making each other coffee every morning. Why not make a task both partners most likely complete every morning as seamless, enjoyable and easy as possible? Look no further than Breville’s Nespresso Creatista Plus, which looks like a hybrid between a futuristic sculpture and a coffee machine. The steam wand and milk jug will allow anybody and everybody to make the latte, espresso, ristretto or latte macchiato of their dreams. 




Degustation Great Bordeaux Wine Glasses


Baccarat, Set of 2 Dégustation Great Bordeaux  Glasses

For richer or poorer, better or worst, these two red wine glasses will transform any celebratory apéritif, weeknight dinner or movie night into a regal night at the château fit for a king and queen, which is exactly what a bride and groom should feel like on the day they tie the knot. These exquisite crystal glasses boast an unmatched concave shape that is ideal for releasing the flavours of any Bordeaux.




Christofle, Mood 6-Piece Rose Gold Espresso Set


Christofle, Mood 6-Piece Rose Gold Espresso Set

If we were to make a wedding gift guide mood board, this rose gold egg-shaped statement piece would be front and center. A Kardashian favorite, this Mood Egg by Christofle holds six espresso spoons. When not having guests over for high tea or hosting Sunday brunch, the silver-plated, gleaming, rose gold case will elevate any buffet, dining room table or coffee table and have your guests asking you to reveal what’s inside. 




KitchenAid, 5-Quart Artisan Stand Mixer - Ice Blue


, 5-Quart Artisan Stand Mixer - Ice Blue

Gift the bride an extra something blue. You’ve definitely seen one of these on wedding gift registries, they’re a very popular choice for good reason. This small appliance is incredibly versatile and you can be sure whoever receives this gift will make good use of it. This ice blue stand mixer can be used to knead bread, make pizza and pasta dough, or even make fondant for a show-stopping cake. Plus, these look great sitting on a kitchen’s countertop and will likely encourage their owner to bake more often. 




Oxo, 10-Pc Pop Ensemble


Oxo, 10-Pc Pop Ensemble

This set of ten clear containers will keep your pantry neat and tidy now and forever - Even the ladies from The Home Edit would be proud. Storing dry food in clear containers such as these doesn’t only look great, it serves a hygienic purpose: Contrary to resealable packages, these are air-tight and will keep your pantry foods fresh longer. Keeping food fresh helps you reduce your waste which is good for the planet and for your wallet. Anyways, who wouldn’t prefer a ten-piece matching set to mismatched bags of chips, half-closed cardboard boxes of cookies and clipped shut bags of rice? Let’s keep the maximalism trend to the living room’s mismatched pillows, wallpapers and Etsy candles. 




Matouk, Milagro Bath Towel - Ivory

Matouk, Milagro Bath Towel - Ivory

A fragrant bubble bath and this bath towel simply belong together and we can guarantee  this white, long-staple cotton Matouk towel will live happily ever after with whoever receives it as a wedding gift. A luxurious bath towel makes all the difference between a morning or night routine you feel like you have to do and one you actually want to do. Wrapping yourself in a thick, plush towel while stepping out of a bath or shower will make you feel like you’re at a resort on vacation every day, at home - A ten out of ten gift if there ever was one. 



  • Katerina Voitukhova

    Oh wow, great list of presents, definitely saving it!

  • Louise M.

    What a great list! The espresso set is beautiful !

  • Jose Mur

    omg need that stand mixer! love the blue color to fit my retro kitchen

  • Brogan Lund

    Love Le Creuset ! I’ve had one of their Dutch ovens for 10+ years and it’s still in phenomenal shape . Great gifts indeed !

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Established in 1972, Maison Lipari has been a family-run, inter-generational business for the last five decades, specializing in providing quality home goods. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Maison Lipari curates a diverse selection of kitchenware, tableware, fine bedding, and home décor, sourced from over 150 heritage and emerging brands. Each collection seamlessly blends timeless elegance with contemporary flair, catering to a wide range of decor aesthetics. Maison Lipari credits its enduring success to three key elements: their discerning customers, the renowned brands they showcase, and their unparalleled customer service.

With a presence spanning online, retail, and B2B channels, Maison Lipari has become synonymous with quality and sophistication. Over the years, Maison Lipari has expanded from their inaugural retail store to establish a second location, while also catering to exclusive clientele by outfitting private jets, yachts, and luxury residences.

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