Mother's Day: A Gift Guide

Mother's Day: A Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is just around the corner - That’s right, May 8th in barely three weeks away. There’s no time like the present to order a thoughtful gift to make sure you have ample time to plan the rest of the day’s activities by its arrival. We’ve curated a list of gifts for every kind of mother: The one who enjoys one (or four) cups of coffee in the morning, the one with wanderlust who’s always planning her next excursion, the one who loves surrounding herself with bright colors and bold patterns or the one who enjoys wearing a plush robe after a bubble bath or while getting ready for the busy day ahead. 


Le Creuset, Set of 4 Classic Mugs - Sage


Le Creuset, Set of 4 Classic Mugs - Sage

Even if the mug cupboard is overflowing with You Are Here Starbucks City Mugs from around the world, Milton Glaser I <3 [insert city from past vacation] mugs, there’s always enough room to add a set of classic Le Creuset mugs. Made out of durable stoneware, this set will stand the test of time while emanating a French country vibe and keeping your Mom’s hot cocoa, spicy chai or ginger infusion warm. The sage green color will pair wonderfully with any cream, muted grey or burnt orange tableware. 




Breville, The Barista Express™ Coffee Machine


Breville, The Barista Express™ Coffee Machine

What’s the #1 drink that will be most enjoyed in these coffee mugs? Probably coffee. Make your mother feel like her own Starbucks or Second Cup barista with a top-of-the-line Breville coffee machine. Featuring an integrated grinder, she’ll be able to grind her own beans and savour fresh and flavourful lattes with a single or double shot of espresso, while practicing her latte art portraits to become the next Michael Breach. Top the coffee machine with Breville’s steam wand cleaner to keep it in its initial pristine condition. 




KitchenAid, 5-Quart Artisan Stand Mixer - Empire Red


KitchenAid, 5-Quart Artisan Stand Mixer - Empire Red

What do professional pastry chefs, Is It Cake? or The Great British Bake Off contestants and the best at-home chefs have in common? A high-performance stand mixer. These are essential to any cooking aficionado because they’re incredibly versatile and can prepare doughs and batters for cheese soufflés, donuts, meringues, bread and everything in between. The KitchenAid red model features a bold color that will blend seamlessly into any modern or retro kitchen’s decor while reducing the amount of time spent mixing and churning. 



 Missoni Home, Jarris Cushion - 16” X 16” - Color 156



Missoni Home, Jarris Cushion - 16” X 16” - Color 156

Adding a Missoni Homi cushion embellished with the brand’s iconic zigzags and a spring-like palette of green, purple, blue, yellow, orange and pink is a non-committal way to spruce up your living room with a splash of color. Pair it with other pillows that have at least one colors in common (not the most daunting task given the number of colors) to create a cohesive couch decor, or place it on a white armchair for a daub of color in a neutral-toned room. Stuffed with goose down filling, it’s a must-have accessory for lounging while flipping through the latest issue of Architectural Digest or indulging in an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. 




Baobab Collection, Rainforest Tanjung


Baobab Collection, Rainforest Tanjung Candle

Candles don’t deserve the reputation they have as impersonal and boring gifts that nobody wants, let alone a Baobab Collection candle. Fill your mother’s home with a woodsy mix of cedar, guaiac wood and galbanum that mimics the scents of the Indonesian Tanjung Puting national park, home to a tropical rainforest.  Boasting a burn time of 150 hours, this candle may last until next Mother’s Day (except for those of us who like our home constantly smelling like a candle boutique). 




Assouline, Marrakech Flair


Assouline, Marrakech Flair

Let your mother discover the bustling city of Marrakech through the eyes of Marisa Berenson in this three-hundred-page Assouline coffee table book. She’ll walk through the famous souks while savouring the intoxicating scent of one hundred spices, stroll through the Yves Saint Laurent Museum, sip on a cup of Moroccan mint tea with orange blossom and marvel at the interiors of La Mamounia (à la Anna Delvey, except not at all). Assouline’s travel series is composed of coffee table books that also function as decorative accents: The breath-taking photographs and detailed descriptions immerse the reader in a different world, and the colorful covers and catchy titles will add a pop of color (and travel inspo) to any room. 




Richard Ginori, Oriente Italiano Citrino Small Vase - Yellow & Blue


Richard Ginori, Oriente Italiano Citrino Small Vase - Yellow & Blue

Richard Ginori’s light yellow and navy blue vase combines inspirations drawn from blue and white antique Chinese ceramics with modern, candy-colored hues. Each piece of the Oriente Italiano collection features garofano (also known as carnations), a common ornamentation of Italian pottery. The stark contrast between the light background color and the dark, delicate pattern create a reinvented traditional accessory that will elevate any bouquet of dried flowers or fresh tulips. Reminder: Get your Mom some flowers. 




L'Objet, Stars Frame - 8” X 10” - Platinum

Thank your lucky stars that you have a wonderful mom to celebrate Mother’s Day with. Snap a pic of May 8th she’l frame to commemorate this celebration or insert one of your favorite pictures of the two of your before wrapping it. The whole frame is studded with Swarovski crystals that’ll brighten up any tabletop or mantlepiece while shining a spotlight on a cherished memory. Gift it with the matching 5” X 7” frame for a completely luxurious display of family memories. 




L'objet, Kelly Behun Lazy Susan - Brown


L'Objet, Kelly Behun Lazy Susan - Brown

Designed by NYC-cased interior designer Kelly Behun, this L’Objet object isn’t your standard Lazy Susan. Made out of a mix of walnut, acacia, and birch that come together to create a   wooden patchwork reminiscent of wooden quilts. The metal turntable mechanism is likely the only detail this Lazy Susan has in common with the one you displayed crayons or paints on eons ago. The Kelly Behun model will dress up any coffee or patio table while making serving drinks, tapas or any kind of finger food a piece of cake: Your mother’s guests will only have to give it a spin to grab a glass, a pitcher, a serving bowl or a champagne flute. Cheers! 




Missoni Home, Adam Hooded Bathrobe - Color 159



Missoni Home, Adam Hooded Bathrobe - Color 159

The best way to end this list and to end the day is wrapped in a plush robe that feels as warm as a duvet and as soft as a cloud. Missoni Home’s Adam Hooded Bathrobe is made out of absorbent cotton that will keep your Mom dry when she’s stepping out of the shower and cozy when waking up and getting out of bed. The harmonious blend of blue, red, black, orange, aquamarine, purple and green and the brand’s iconic zigzag pattern make it a fun and comfortable outfit to enjoy breakfast in or lounge around in before bed. Buona notte!


  • Katerina

    Great suggestions!

  • Kiara

    I’ve been wanting that Marrakech book! Adding to my list :)

  • Marieln

    Tres sympa toutes ces idees! Meme si ma preference va a tous les cadeaux de l ordre du petit plaisir pour soi (marrackech flair… belles bougies) … merci pour ces suggestions!!!

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Established in 1972, Maison Lipari has been a family-run, inter-generational business for the last five decades, specializing in providing quality home goods. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Maison Lipari curates a diverse selection of kitchenware, tableware, fine bedding, and home décor, sourced from over 150 heritage and emerging brands. Each collection seamlessly blends timeless elegance with contemporary flair, catering to a wide range of decor aesthetics. Maison Lipari credits its enduring success to three key elements: their discerning customers, the renowned brands they showcase, and their unparalleled customer service.

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